🍎 OpenEd Daily: When someone asks if you homeschool…

“Are you a homeschooler?”

This seemingly simple question often leaves parents pausing, furrowing their brows, and hesitantly replying, “I guess?”

What do you call it when your kid takes math classes online, goes to the local school for band, and runs a small business from home?

If you’re scratching your head, you’re not alone. The old labels don’t cut it anymore.

In our conversations with parents over the years, we’ve noticed this growing trend of educational experiences that defy traditional categorization. It’s one of the key reasons we’re evolving from My Tech High to OpenEd – to better capture the amazing ways families like yours are already customizing your children’s education.

I recently sat down again with Matt Bowman to clarify some things about the name change (no, the program is not changing!).

We talked about:

  • Why names matter
  • The shift in education, post-COVID
  • The importance of a shared language that reflects the flexible and open-ended nature of modern learning.

And now, we’re turning to you – the parents – to help us tell your stories and highlight the incredible educational journeys you’re crafting. Your experiences are shaping the future of education, and we want to make sure those stories are heard.

Watch or read the summary β†’

There are still so many parents out there – most parents, in fact – who don’t know that it’s possible to do more than one thing.

So here’s my ask: How have you personalized your child’s education? What unique combinations of learning have you created? Your journey matters, and it could inspire other families to explore new possibilities.

Reply to this email, and catch the full podcast here.

– Isaac

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