Beyond mere choice


Beyond School Choice

“When parents can choose their child’s school, they become more invested in their communities.”

– Denisha Allen, Founder of Black Minds Matter

We agree with Denisha Allen’s thought, but why stop at choosing a school?

Imagine if we truly opened up education:

  • Public libraries transform into lecture halls
  • Museums become living laboratories
  • Local businesses offer apprenticeships and hands-on entrepreneurship experiences

Contrary to the myth that homeschooling or alternative education models isolate kids, a more open approach broadens horizons.

When education extends beyond four walls, kids can’t help but engage more with their communities. They’re not just reading about civic responsibility – they’re living it.

This is what we mean when we talk about opening the world for every learner.

It’s not just about choosing between School A (public) or School B (private). It’s about empowering families to curate an education as unique as their child, drawing from the rich resources of their entire community.


ESAs: The Swiss Army Knife of School Choice

“School choice” was once a narrow debate between public schools and private school vouchers. However, as Michael Horn notes, education savings accounts (ESAs) are opening up the conversation. Unlike old-school vouchers, ESAs let families customize their child’s education.

States like Utah are joining the bandwagon of states that have created ESAs, but the laws have their critics. Some say private schools are jacking up tuition to soak up the new funds. But when it comes to more customized Ă  la carte educational offerings, more options mean more competition, and that’s good news for families.

At OpenEd, we’re following these developments closely. Our goal is not just to increase choice but also to help families make the most informed choices possible.

Read the full article on The Future of Education podcast

⚒️ TOOLs

The 10-Minute Rule: Your Secret Weapon Against Homeschool Burnout

Feeling overwhelmed by home-based learning? Pam Barnhill, veteran homeschool mom and podcast host, has a game-changing tip: The 10-Minute Rule.

How it works:Why it works:
Choose a subjectManageable chunks prevent burnout
Set a timer for 10 minutesConsistency trumps marathon sessions
Focus intensely on that subjectKids (and parents) stay engaged
Stop when time’s up – no matter whatLeaves time for exploration and play

If you like the Pomodoro Technique (25-minute work sprints), there’s a good chance you’ll like the 10-minute rule too.

Listen to the full episode of Homeschool Better Together


a·gen·cy (ā′jən-sē)

From the Latin “agere,” meaning “to do” or “to act”, agency is the capacity to make choices, take action, and shape your journey.

In what areas are you looking to take more agency in your life? Reply to this post- we’d love to hear from you!

That’s all for today!

– Charlie (the OpenEd newsletter guy)